Dead Sea Poems
Author: Simon Armitage
Publisher: Faber and Faber Ltd
Published: 18 September 1995
ISBN: 0571176003
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 57pp.
Dead Sea Poems. A collection of poems in which questions of belief and trust, of identity and knowledge, mingle with more mundane considerations, such as the problems of owning a dog, and the vicissitudes of the job market.
The Dead Sea Poems
The Anaesthetist
Man with a Golf Ball Heart
From the Middle Distance
C.V. I Say I Say I Say
White Christmas
Before You Cut Loose
A Hip Flask
Goalkeeper with a Cigarette
A Sculpture of Christ with Swings and a Slide
A Week and a Fortnight
Dream Holiday
On an Owd Piktcha
Chapter and Verse
Cover Version
A Meteorite
At the Quarantine Station
The Two of Us
Five Eleven Ninety Nine
The Dead Sea Poems
And I was travelling lightly, barefoot
over bedrock, then through lands that were stitched
with breadplant and camomile. Or was itburdock. For a living I was driving
a river of goats towards clean water,
when one of the herd cut loose to a caveon the skyline. To flush it out, I shaped
a sling from a length of cotton bandage,
or was it a blanket, then launched a rockat the target, which let out a racket -
the tell-tale sound of man-made objects.
Inside the cave like a set of skittlesstood a dozen caskets, and each one gasped -
a little theatrically perhaps -
when opened, then gave out a breath of muskand pollen, and reaching down through cool sand
I found poems written in my own hand.
Being greatly in need of food and clothing,and out of pockets, I let the lot go
for twelve times nothing, but saw them again
this spring, on public display, out of reachunder infra-red and ultra-sonic,
apparently worth an absolute packet.
Knowing now the price of my early artI have gone some way towards taking it all
to heart, by bearing it all in mind, like
praying, saying it over and overat night, by singing the whole of the work
to myself, every page of that innocent,
everyday, effortless verse, of which thisis the first.